Presidents |
Marko Pećina (Croatia) |
Vice–Presidents |
Damir Hudetz (Croatia) Dražen Matičić (Croatia) |
Secretary General |
Alan Ivković (Croatia) |
Members |
Reiner Burgkart (Germany) Marcus Mumme (Switzerland) Davor Ježek (Croatia) Srećko Gajović (Croatia) Inga Marijanović (Croatia) Martijn van Griensven (Germany) Martyn Snow (UK) Siegfried Trattnig (Austria) Andreas Traweger (Austria) |
"Expect nothing. Blame nobody. Do something." |
Bill Parcells |
Full members of the Department of Medical Sciences Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Slavko Cvetnić Ivo Čikeš Dragan Dekaris Vida Demarin Vladimir Goldner Vjekoslav Jerolimov Ivica Kostović Zvonko Kusić Josip Madić Davor Miličić Marko Pećina Ivan Prpić Željko Reiner Daniel Rukavina Marko Šarić Slobodan Vukičević Teodor Wikerhauser |
Past iCRO conferences |
iCRO is organised by: |
Funding for this conference has been received from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 278807, BIO-COMET and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 681103, BIO-CHIP. |